Rachel was born in Manchester and grew up in Shepherds Bush, London.

She studied Fashion (BA, Middlesex University). After her degree, she worked in the creative industries for twenty years in costume for theatre and film, and as an animator, product and graphic designer. Following this, Rachel took some time out when her children were young.

In 2019, Rachel returned to drawing and painting, enrolling on a local oil painting course and attending a number of classes at the Royal Drawing School. Currently she is coming to the end of the two year Advanced Painting course at The Essential School of Painting. Rachel will be starting an MA in Fine Art at City and Guilds in September 2024.

Artist Statement:

My practice is figurative and currently revolves around drawing and oil painting.

I engage in visual research to explore themes and ideas which I then develop in my painting. I draw in sketchbooks and on paper with charcoal, work on canvas with oil paint and oil sticks and often draw into or scrape down wet paint with a palette knife. I photograph my work to develop the pieces with electronic or physical through collage.

I like to work quickly and produce many pieces, but if something isn't working I put it aside and wait for the right moment to rework. Some pieces go through several transformations before they are finished.

I am interested in the vulnerability and fragility of our biology. Alongside the origin of mythical themes, how they connect to modern life and the primal core of human evolution. Most recently my work has centred around birth and the instinct for survival.


Please get in touch if you have any questions about Rachel's work, including pricing and commissions.



The Essential School of Painting
Colllage Art Space, 5 Clarendon Yards, Coburg Road London N22 6T

June 28th-July 2nd 2024

The Essential School of Painting
June-July 2023

Artists Open House Dulwich
May 13th-14th and 20th-21st 2023

Dulwich Art Group Artists Open House
May 14th-15th 2022

Great Bow Wharf Gallery Langport Somerset :
August/September 2021 / December 2022

Jane Newbery 84 Dulwich Village :
November 2021 / November 2022